Catching Up Before the New Year

The final months of 2013 have consumed me with a whirlwind of changes and my blogging has been thrown on the back burner until the dust settles. That being said, I thought I would write a little end of the year note to catch you all up on what's been going on in the world of Red Door Home || Claire Zinnecker Design.

I have resigned my position as Associate Designer for One Eleven Design so that I can put my focus towards Claire Zinnecker Design. Though change is never easy and I was sad to leave my job there I feel blessed by the experiences I have had, the friends I have made, and the lessons I have learned.

Claire Zinnecker Design has introduced me to so many wonderful clients already! I have been approached to design both residential and commercial projects and both are constantly teaching me and sharpening me as I pursue my future as a designer. One project I can't wait to share is my involvement as interior designer for Camille Styles new office. Stay tuned!

In addition to founding CZD I have also joined McGuire Moorman Hospitality as their project manager & designer! Working with the enthusiastic group of creatives at MMH is both fun and inspiring, I feel fortunate to have been given the opportunity to be involved with such a passionate and talented company.

Over at Red Door Home I have started (but rarely finished) about a dozen projects. Sofa is half painted, chairs are half wrapped, art is half hung, but I am slowly finding a balance between work and life. As the projects are completed I will happily share them here!

I have, I must admit (and my family and friends might attest to), been slightly a crazy person as I try to adjust to all these changes while working very long days and sleeping very little. I would never have survived if it hadn't been for all the support that surrounds me. My parents coming by to bring me food, walk the dogs, or just give me a hug. My friends calling, texting, and encouraging. And Daniel giving me incredible advice, kidnapping me for road trips, and making me laugh.

I'm sure I say this at the end of every year but I feel that I have grown so much in 2013. I've learned to take risks, to be okay with disappointment, to say thanks, to say I'm sorry, to cherish those around me, to enjoy the still moments, to live in the present and not worry about the past or the future, and to be grateful for each new day as it comes. I am truly blessed and excited about what 2014 has in store!!!

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Oh and coming up soon….a post on my family's Christmas trip to Los Angeles! Can't wait to share my favorite spots & shops.

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